Thursday, February 11, 2016

Art Hotel 916

I had no idea that there would so many people in the city of Sacramento interested in this time sensitive art experience. Every time I had gone, I was told that there would be a long wait. Yesterday, I was able to get a time slot, even though I had to wait two hours! It was completely worth it, even though we only had 25 minutes to view the work. To see how popular it was really made me happy, because to see a diverse group of people that are  interested in local art is rare!
My goal to race against the clock was to start at the top floor and work my way to the bottom. I saw everything from giant wooden figures to reptilian shrines. I saw teeny tiny paintings the size of a cracker to television screens showing miscelanious footage. I saw projections of my face on walls, and projections of others on walls. Sticky notes strewed some surfaces, various materials jutted out of the floors. If I had the choice, I would have stayed their for hours.
Although I didn't have enough time to see which artist did what, I was able to see a fellow peer of mine, Franceska Gamez, and she was one of the masterminds behind the scenes. It was very cool to see her work involved in such a popular and valuable art experience in Sacramento. I had taken drawing and painting classes with Frankie, and she has really taken the ideas that I had seen a year ago into a more mature direction. I was happy to see her still making so much work and caring so dearly about the Art Hotel.
The Art Hotel only runs until February 13th, then the building go under construction. Please go and try to see this place while it still exists! It is located at the Hotel Marshall on 7th and L street downtown.

Follow Frankie's instagram to see the work:


  1. Thanks for posting the videos especially. They capture something of what it was like to be there.

    1. I couldn't help but take videos and pictures! I wanted to look back and remember my experience since I would not be able to see it again! :)
